Opensoft develops systems that provide communication and documents audit, ensuring the centralization and validation of documents which result from commercial transactions and/ or logistics operations. These systems enhance competitiveness and efficiency, and ensure compliance of documents according to legal regulations.
In communication and document audit systems, Opensoft ensures the registration, issue, consultation, modification and cancellation of documents. Bearing this in mind, the systems use forms, Web services, XML files or even interactive voice response (IVR).
To enable real-time data monitoring, these systems display information about the different stages of each process. The systems can also have a workflow authorization process, based on the assignment of identification codes, which identifies the operations to perform in each document.
To ensure the safety and reliability of data, the systems developed by Opensoft have mechanisms for authentication and authorization. These are crucial to fill a mandatory requirement in these types of systems: the possibility to decentralize and extend the responsibility to validate the documents issued to other users. Therefore, these systems include features adapted to the permissions of each user.
One of the applications developed by Opensoft for communication and documents audit receives more than 400 million documents per month and is used to exchange millions of messages per year.
Projects developed by Opensoft:
Portfolio, Web